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Specifications for TikTok Interactive add-on: Countdown Sticker

Last updated: February 2025

The Countdown Sticker Interactive add-on allows you to add a timer to your video ad to catch people's attention and create a feeling of urgency. Learn about using the Interactive add-on: Countdown Sticker.

Specifications for designing a Countdown Sticker

Specifications for a Countdown Sticker Interactive add-on :

  • Size and Position: You can adjust the size, angle, and position of the Sticker on TikTok Ads Manager.

  • Sticker Color: You can select a color from orange, black, blue, or pink. Color customization isn't currently supported.

  • Countdown Sticker title: Up to 54 characters or up to 27 characters if in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

    • The Countdown Sticker title will display in the language it was entered in on TikTok Ads Manager and will not be auto-translated.

    • The Countdown Sticker title supports text only and the hashtag symbol (#) isn't supported.

    • Indicate whether a promotion is beginning or ending by adding in phrases like ends in or starts in.

  • Countdown Sticker Call to Action (CTA): Will be the same as the CTA you selected on TikTok Ads Manager, and will be translated into the viewer's app language. The Countdown Sticker also supports Dynamic CTA.

  • Ads with Countdown Stickers must include a URL. You can use the same URL you input in the Destination page section of the ad creation.

The Countdown Sticker time will be automatically translated into the viewer's app language and will automatically calculate and display the time left based on the viewer's time zone.

Note: Ensure that your Countdown Sticker is within the blue safe zone.

TikTok Interactive Add-on: Countdown Sticker-Safezone-PNG

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