Create an ad group

About TikTok placement
Last updated: July 2024

Placements are required ad group selections that allow you to define where your ads will run. The TikTok select placement option is located within the TikToks Ads Manager when creating an ad group. When you create an ad group, you are able to choose where you want your ads to appear. We call the places where your ads show placements. By placing your ads only on TikTok you narrow where your ads will be displayed.

  • TikTok placements support the following advertising objectives: Shop Purchases, Product Sales, Video Views, Reach, Traffic, Lead Generation, App Installs, and Conversion.

  • Your ads will appear on TikTok's Following Feed, For You Feed, Profile Feed, ads in Shopping Center, search ads, TikTok for Web and TikTok Lite

  • TikTok supports full-screen in-feed ads for a positive experience and better engagement. After the video ad is displayed for 9 seconds, the download card will appear as shown below.

Note: TikTok for Web and TikTok Lite are only available in certain markets. Please contact your TikTok representative to inquire about availability in your region.

TikTok placements supports three bidding methods:

  • CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions)

  • oCPM (Optimized Cost per Thousand Impressions)

  • CPC (Cost per Click)