About Bulk Import & Export
Last updated, June 2023

The bulk import and export feature allows you to create and manage: campaigns, ad groups, and ads directly from a CSV or Excel file. This is a great way to increase operational efficiency for any advertiser or agency that needs to create, edit, and manage large numbers of ads at once.

What is the Bulk Import & Export Feature?

Bulk Import & Export is an ad creation tool on TikTok Ads Manager. This feature allows you to set up and manage your ads from a CSV or Excel file and requires no manual input on the platform.


There are several key advantages to using bulk import & export, including:

  • ​Efficient Ad Management: The bulk import and export feature is easy to use and is ideal for advertisers who need to create and manage a large number of ads at once.

  • ​Quick Ad Creation: Bulk importing ads from a CSV or Excel file, allows advertisers to create multiple ads at once, compared to manually creating each one on TikTok Ads Manager.

  • ​Supports Multiple Use Cases: Bulk Import & Export supports a variety of campaign management scenarios including creating ads, editing ads, copying ads, and adding new creative to current ads.

Use Cases

There are many situations where using Bulk Import & Export can help advertisers manage their campaigns more efficiently, including:

  • ​Bulk Ad Creation: Create new campaigns, ad groups, and ads directly from a CSV or Excel file.

  • ​Copy and Customize Ads: Quickly duplicate your campaigns and ad group settings by copying the rows in your CSV/Excel file, then adjusting the fields as needed. For example:

    • ​You might copy a campaign, but change the ad group settings to target only Android devices.

    • ​You might copy an ad group, but change the placement settings as part of your testing strategy.

  • ​Make Edits in Bulk: Make changes to your existing campaigns by adjusting the campaign and ad group settings, and adding new creative. For example:

    • ​You might use the Bulk Import & Export feature to change the settings like budget, bidding, and audience across 20 different ad groups.

    • ​You might use the Bulk Import & Export feature to add new creative to underperforming ad groups.

  • ​Review Ad Settings: Use the Bulk Export feature to ensure that your ad settings are correct. For example, you may want to check that each ad group in a campaign is using the right custom audience.
