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Connecting your TikTok One and Business Center
Providing asset access (pixel) to your TikTok One Accounts
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Common question
Business Verification
The creator score
Finding the Right Creators

Providing asset access (pixel) to your TikTok One Accounts

Once you've integrated your TikTok One account with your Business Center, you are able to share assets, like a pixel between the accounts. This will open up the ability to do things like adding a pixel to your webpage anchor for full funnel tracking. There are multiple ways to transfer asset access:
Option 1 (RECCOMENDED): Provide access to pixel/assets from the Business Center account
  1. Log into your Business Center and go to "Assets." Choose the assets you want to share and press "View details. " Click "Link" and choose your TikTok One account and press "Confirm." You will then see that your TikTok One account will show up under the Linked accounts list for that specific pixel.
  1. Alternatively, you can click "Accounts" instead of assets. On the page, select your TikTok One account and click "View." Then under "Linked assets" click "Link" and select the pixel(s) you want to link to the account. Once you select all the pixels you want to link, press "Confirm."
  1. Once you have linked your pixels to your TikTok One account, you will be able to see them as an option when you are building a Webpage Anchor.
Option 2: Apply to use pixel/assets from TikTok One account (asset owned by your Business Center)
  1. On the create anchor page (webpage anchor), under Tracking method, type in the pixel ID. If you have already authorized the pixel using the option above, you will be able to click on it to add it to your anchor.
  1. If you have not yet authorized the transfer of the pixel from Business Center, you will have to click "Authorize" (for Owner of the Business Center) or "Apply to use."
  1. If you click "Apply to use" the owner of the Business Center will have to log into their business center to approve the transfer of the asset. After that is complete, you will be able to select the pixel in your TikTok One account.
Option 3: Apply to use pixel/assets from TikTok One account (assets owned by another Business Center)
In some cases, you may want to use an asset owned by another Business Center that is not integrated with your TikTok One account.
  1. On the create anchor page (webpage anchor), under Tracking method, type in the pixel ID. If the pixel belongs to another Business Center, you will be able to see who owns it and click "Request authorization."
  1. Once you confirm the authorization request, the owner of the Business Center who owns the Pixel will receive a request to have your TikTok One account as a partner in their Business Center so they can transfer access to the pixel to your Business Center.
Note: When you establish a partnership between Business Center accounts, can to transfer assets across multiple Business Centers.