Dynamic CTA and Recommended CTA on TikTok Ads Manager
Last updated, October 2023

On TikTok Ads Manager, a call-to-action (CTA) button is the part of the ad that urges someone to take an "action." For marketers who want their audience to "take an action" after watching their ads, using the right CTA is critical to ad performance.

A strong CTA will elevate an ad, while a poor CTA will weaken it. But with over twenty CTA texts to choose from, picking the right one is not always a simple decision to make.

To help you get the most out of your CTA developed two smart features to optimize the click performance of your ad's CTA button: Recommended CTA and Dynamic CTA.

About Recommended CTA

Recommended CTA is a feature on TikTok Ads Manager that will identify the best CTA text to use in your ad - based on your account's industry, your past ad performance, and ads using similar objectives and settings.

How to use a Recommended CTA

Open up the Call to Action drop-down menu under the Ad Details section on the ad creation page. Then select the CTA text that has the Recommended tag next to it.

Requirements for Recommended CTA

  • ​Buying Type: Auction, Reach & Frequency

  • ​Ad Format: non-Spark Ads, Spark Ads

  • ​Supported Objectives: All

About Dynamic CTA

Dynamic Call to Action is a smart feature on TikTok Ads Manager that can help improve your click-through rates by displaying the most relevant Call to Action text to each person who sees your ad.

When you enable Dynamic CTA, we will create a bank of multiple call-to-action texts that are relevant to your industry, advertising objective, ad caption, landing page, and video content. Then when your ad starts running, we will dynamically adjust the call to action text based on people's historic click and conversion behavior.

How to use Dynamic CTA

Under the Ad Details section on the ad creation page, click Add a website URL, this will open the Call to Action module. From there, click Dynamic

If you wish to enable or disable specific CTA texts, click Edit Text Options, select the texts you want to use in your ad, and click Confirm.

Requirements for Dynamic CTA

  • ​Buying Type: Auction, Reach & Frequency.

  • ​Advertising Objectives:

    • ​Auction: App Installs, Traffic, Conversion, Video View, Community interaction, Reach, Lead Generation;

    • ​Reach & Frequency: Reach, Video Views, Traffic.

  • ​Ad Format: Non-Spark Ads, Spark Ads.

  • ​Placement: Supports Automatic Placement and Select Placement.

  • ​Location: Supports all markets.

  • ​Language: English.

Stay tuned as we continue to support more markets and languages with Dynamic CTA.
