Manage Lookalike Audience
Last updated, May 2024

To manage a Lookalike Audience please go to the Audience page under Tools and select the Actions drop-down menu.

Lookalike Audience Management Options

The following actions are available for you to manage your audience:


You can edit the name of the Lookalike Audience.

Auto-refresh twice a week

Lookalike Audience applied in a running ad group will be auto-refreshed twice a week. You can find the latest update time in the column Availability on the Audiences page.


You can manually refresh if necessary. But, we do not recommend frequent manual refreshes, since it won't impact the audience size. Your Lookalike audience will be unable to refresh if you manually refresh the audience too frequently. Manual-refresh works for all types of Lookalike Audiences. After refreshing, your most recent update time will be displayed.

Note: Lookalike Audience that have not been manually refreshed can be auto-refreshed or manually refreshed when they meet your criteria. But if your source Audience is ever deleted, the Lookalike Audience created from it will be unable to refresh. If your Lookalike Audience is Refresh Unavailable, we recommend recreating your Lookalike Audience.

Apply Audiences

You can connect an audience with an ad group by clicking Apply to Ad Groups on the Audience page or the Create Ad Group page.


  • ​Apply to ad groups: Applying one available audience to multiple ad groups is supported, but applying multiple audiences to multiple ad groups is not supported.

  • Duplicate checking logic: Audience already in use cannot be added again, but you can change the Include or Exclude status.

For example, you have set audience A to be included in ad groups 1 and 2. If you now want to set audience A to be excluded in ad groups 1 and 2, you will be prompted to confirm the change of include to exclude.


You can share your audience to your own related business account.


You can omit the Lookalike Audience you don't need. If the audience has been connected to an ad group, you must disconnect the audience with the ad group before deleting the audience.

Disconnect with Ad Groups

If you have already applied a Lookalike Audience to an ad group but no longer want to use this audience, you can enter the Audience Details Page and click the ad group you want to disconnect with.

Audience Details

You can enter the Audience Details Page by clicking on the Lookalike Audience name. Here you can view the details about the audience's name, ID, and audience type.

  • ​Applied details: Displays the current connections between the audience and ad groups.

  • ​Audience History: Displays the history of changes, such as creating and editing of the audience.


If I manually refresh my Lookalike Audience will the time be reset?

No, any manual refresh will not interfere with the auto-refresh schedule. For example, if the Lookalike Audience is due for auto-refresh on Jan 7th, any manual refresh before that won't impact this auto-refresh schedule.

How does the refresh of the seed audience impact the Lookalike Audience?

If the seed audience auto-refreshes, when the Lookalike Audience refreshes either through an auto-refresh or manual refresh, the Lookalike Audience will be generated based on the refreshed seed audience.

Is there any scenario where the Lookalike Audience can not be refreshed?

The minimum size of the seed audience is 100. If the seed size is less than 100 after refresh, data of the Lookalike Audience will roll back to the data before the refresh was applied, and the system will notify the advertiser that the Lookalike Audience did not manage to be refreshed.
