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Available interactive customizations for Pangle

Last updated: February 2025

Pangle offers interactive customizable solutions to enhance the ad experience for people that ultimately increases their engagement with the brand. These customized solutions have been proven to help maximize ad effectiveness for Pangle advertisers. Pangle will automatically leverage Endcard, Recommended Card, and Animation Effects and apply them to your ads based on the end user's preference. Playable ads will be applied if you select this as part of your campaign setup.

Available interactive customizations for Pangle

Pangle offers the following interactive customization solutions:

  • Playable Ads: An immersive full-screen ad experience which provides people a preview for them to play a game before downloading the app.

  • Endcard: An automatically generated graphic that is attached to the end of your video or image ads with specific information about your products or services, encouraging people to take action. The elements displayed in an Endcard include images and text, such as screenshots from the app store, video thumbnails, app icons, app names, app categories, app ratings, app descriptions, and call to action (CTA) buttons.

Note: Endcard is available for Rewarded Video Ads and Interstitial Ads.

Interactive customizations - Endcard JPG
  • Recommended Card: An iOS only automatically generated card with multiple ads, mainly in the form of clickable app icons, appearing at the final point of an ad.

Interactive customizations - Recommended Card 1 GIF
Interactive customizations - Recommended Card 2 GIF
  • Animation Effects: A useful way to stand out to your audience using animation, including carousel components, button animations, and guiding gestures.

    • Carousel Components

      Interactive customizations - Carousel Components 1 GIF
      Interactive customizations - Carousel Components 2 GIF
    • Button Animations

      Interactive customizations - Button Animations 1 GIF
      Interactive customizations - Button Animations 2 GIF
    • Guiding Gestures

Interactive customizations - Guiding Gestures GIF

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