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How to manually end the trial period for Organization Account update in Seller Center

Last updated: March 2025

You can manually end the trial period for the update of a Personal or Business Account to an Organization Account in Seller Center by following the steps below.

Once you manually end the trial period for Organization Account update, the TikTok account is permanently updated to an Organization Account. While you can still unlink it from your TikTok Shop, restoring it to a Personal or Business Account is not possible.

How to manually end the trial period for Organization Account update in Seller Center

To manually end the trial period for Organization Account update in Seller Center:

  1. Log in to Seller Center.

  2. Click your profile icon in the top right of your dashboard, then click My Account.

  3. Click Linked TikTok Accounts.

  4. In the Official account tab, click Update now.

  5. Click Got it.

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