Advertising on TikTok

About updates to Click and Conversion Rate metrics
Last updated: July 2024

Learn about the most up-to-date reporting metrics supported by TikTok Ads Manager in All Metrics.

We are continuously evaluating how we report ad metrics on TikTok Ads Manager, and our goal is to provide you with metrics that accurately represent the performance of your marketing campaigns on TikTok.

With this update, we are revamping two types of metrics on Ads Manager.

Conversion rate metrics changes

We launched view through attributed conversions into our reporting last year (all advertisers have a default 7 day click and 1 day view attribution window), and you may have seen an increase in your conversion rate metric (CVR) after this launch. We are now updating our CVR metric to more accurately capture the impact of your marketing. Here is a summary of the changes:




July 6th

Renaming Old CVR metric and adding new CVR metric

New CVR Metrics that will be added to TikTok Ads Manager:

- CVR (Impressions) = Conversions/Impressions

- Realtime CVR (Impressions)

- CVR (SKAN, Impressions)

- CVR (SKAN click time, Impressions)

Old CVR Metrics that will be renamed in TikTok Ads Manager:

- 'CVR' renamed to 'CVR (Clicks)'

- 'Realtime CVR' renamed to 'Realtime CVR (Clicks)'

- 'CVR (SKAN)' renamed to 'CVR (SKAN, Clicks)'

- (SKAN click time) renamed to CVR (SKAN click time, Clicks)

Oct 6th

Removing Old CVR metrics, renaming new CVR metric

Removal of these Old CVR Metrics from TikTok Ads Manager:

- CVR (Clicks)

- Realtime CVR (Clicks)

- CVR (SKAN, Clicks)

- CVR (SKAN click time, Clicks)

Rename New CVR Metrics in TikTok Ads Manager:

- CVR (Impressions) to CVR

- Realtime CVR (Impressions) to Realtime CVR

- CVR (SKAN, Impressions) to CVR (SKAN)

- CVR (SKAN click time, Impressions) to CVR (SKAN click time)

Click metric updates

We are renaming a few click related metrics to more accurately represent your marketing campaigns. You will see the following changes in TikTok Ads Manager starting July 6th:

Old Metric Name

New Metric Name


The number of clicks on your ads

'Clicks (Destination)'

The number of clicks on your ads that led users to advertiser-specified destinations like websites, apps, or to the app store. Note that this is a name change only

'Total Engagements'

'Clicks (All)'

The overall amount of engagement on your ad. Includes paid likes, comments, shares, follows, and clicks. Clicks in the 'Total Engagement' metric also include music, hashtag, anchor, and interactive add on clicks. Note that this is a name change only


'CPC (Destination)'

The average amount of money you've spent on a click (destination). Note that this is a name change only


'CTR (Destination)'

The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (destination). Note that this is a name change only

'Engagement Rate'

The amount of engagement that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown.

'CTR (All)'

The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (all). Note that this is a name change only

Note: If you are using our Marketing API, both the old and the new CVR metrics will be available through the API. If you manually pull data from ads manager and create an internal dashboard for TikTok data, we advise that you switch to the new CVR metric. For clicks, this is only a name change in TikTok Ads Manager and should not impact API reporting in anyway.