Interactive enhancements

Branded Effect asset specifications

Last updated: July 2024

You can create your own Branded Effects or provide design materials in accordance with the Design Template specifications. To view the design specifications and safe zones for different Branded Effect categories download the template below.

Branded Effect Design Brief Template .pdf (7.59 MB)

To estimate the character length for non-English assets, use the conversion sheet below.

Branded_Effect_Multilanguage_Character_Count_Conversion .xls (18.55 KB)

Specifications for commercial use of Branded Effects

Brand exposure limits

  • Logo: Each Branded Effect can include only one logo, and the display area must be within 150 by 130 pixels (px).

  • Product: No limits to number of products shown. The display area must be within 150 by 130px.

  • Promotion: Includes slogan and campaign theme. The display area must be within 300 by 130px.

  • Spokesperson and IP figure: No specific requirements for spokesperson or figure. The display area must be within 480 by 270px.

Branded Effect name

Effect name character limit: Up to 30 English characters. We recommend keeping the effect name under 18 English characters to ensure that the Effect Name displays within the top row on major mobile devices.

Note: The Effect name doesn't support emojis and special symbols, including hashtags.

Branded Effect icon

  • You can provide your own icon or use an icon designed by TikTok.

  • Your icon image must be consistent with your Branded Effect.

  • The full design canvas should be 162 by 162px and your safe design area will be 144 by 144px, with 20px round corners. The icon must have rounded corners and a transparent bleed area 9px from the edge of your icon.

  • File format: PNG.

  • Safe area: 144 by 144px.

  • Export size: 162 by 162px.

  • File size: Less than 60KB.

TikTok Branded Effect - Asset and Commercial Benefits Specs-Icon-PNG

Branded Effect "Featured" video tag

  • The "Featured" tag will be added to the brand or influencer videos on the Branded Effect detail page with a maximum of six videos.

  • An explanation of the video tag will be automatically added at the end of the Branded Effect description on the Branded Effect page. If there are no videos marked as "Featured", there will be no explanation in the Branded Effect description.

  • The "Featured" tag and the explanation of the video tag support local language versions and automatically matches people's TikTok App's language.

Branded Effect hint text

  • You must provide the hint text that explains trigger movements. The hint text shows up when people click on the effect in the panel, and explains how to use the effect.

  • Hint text character limit: Up to 48 English characters. We recommend keeping the hint text under 24 English characters to ensure that it displays within the top row on major mobile devices. Hint text doesn't support emojis and special symbols, including hashtags.

  • The hint text must precisely match the trigger function details such that following these instructions will lead to the intended effect.

Official music

  • Cover image: 800 by 800px. Place the key brand elements in the center of the circle area with a 260px diameter.

  • Image file size: 10MB or less.

  • Music format: MP3 or WAV.

  • Track length: 15 seconds to one minute. If the official music track is longer than 15 seconds, people with older app versions might be unable to use the entire track when recording their own TikTok video.

  • Character limit: Up to 60 English characters for the song name and no character limit for the artist's name. The recommended character length for the song and artist's name is up to 12 English characters. Avoid using emoji and special symbols.

  • You must provide music copyright documentation.

  • You must sign the authorization letter authorizing TikTok to upload the music and allowing people on TikTok to use this music.


  • No character limit. The description will auto-collapse after 4 lines, but people can click the Expand button to see the full description.

  • The description may include emojis. Emojis may look different across different devices and operating systems, and some emojis may not be supported on certain Android devices.

  • The description can't contain &, <, >, "", or URLs.

Official Videos

  • You can select one to six videos under the Branded Effect page and set them as Official Videos. The Official Video will be placed at the top of all other User Generated Content videos.

  • The Official Video description must contain #ad. For content localization, please refer to the 3rd and 4th columns of the document below.

HTC Ad Specs_Sponsored .xls (12.27 KB)

Landing Page External Link

  • You can include only one external link.

  • Direct users to another app: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://” AND a schema URL (e.g:ulikeabroad://main/looks?looks_id=8002612) .

  • Direct users to an app store: You must provide a OneLink.

  • Direct users to a landing page: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://”

  • You can customize the text of the external link, up to 30 English characters (doesn't support emojis and special symbols). If the text exceeds the 30 English characters limit, it might be cut off on major mobile devices.

  • You can customize the text of the landing page title up to 20 English characters (does not support emojis and special symbols). If the text exceeds the 20 English characters limit, it might be cut off on major mobile devices.

Sponsor mark

  • Required marks: For the following countries, Branded Effect must display a sponsorship mark, which includes an icon and text for sponsorship.

    • North and South America: Canada, United States of America.

    • Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom.

    • Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey.

    • Asia-Pacific: Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.

  • Sponsor icon: PNG format, 40px height fixed, between 40 to 96px length, less than 200K image size.

  • Text: 30 English character limit in the form of "Sponsor: [Brand name]" or "[Brand name]". Emojis, special symbols, and hashtags are unavailable.

Learn more about different options for sponsor marks for a Branded Effect page and sponsor marks for a Branded Effect panel.