About Business Verification
Last updated, May 2024

When you create an ad account on TikTok, you'll be asked to verify your business information. This helps us provide better security for users by authenticating the identity of all advertisers and businesses on TikTok. The documents will need to be approved to prevent any impact on your ability to post ads.

Learn more about the Acceptable Documents for Business Verification for your country or region.

Before you begin

Before you begin, you'll need to prepare a digital copy of your business verification document. Make sure that all text on your document is clearly displayed with your business licences or certification number. If you are photographing your document, place it on a dark background and ensure that all the text is legible.

You can submit any of the following supported file formats:

  • .JPEG

  • .PNG

  • .PDF

  • .JPG

Note: The file size can not exceed 10MB.

How to set up a TikTok Ads Manager account

To set up a new TikTok Ads Manager account:

  1. Go to the Advertising on TikTok signup page.

  2. Create a login using an email address or phone number and set a password. These are your login credentials to access your TikTok Ads Manager account.

  3. Agree to the TikTok terms and conditions and click Sign Up. You'll receive a verification code at the email address or phone number you provided.

    Step 1: Create a login GIF
  4. Create an advertiser account. You'll need to provide the following information about your business:

    Step 2: Create an advertiser account - Image
    • Country or Region: We'll give you the best experience based on your local regulations and requirements.

    • Industry: We'll give you more relevant and effective advertising tips.

    • Legal Business Name: We'll use this to verify your business for legal and billing purposes. If your business name does not match the actual name of your business, your account may not be approved and it may be harder to access other TikTok for Business tools.

    • Time Zone: We'll sync your campaign reporting and scheduling to match your time zone.

    • Phone Number: We contact you at this number to provide you with information on how to optimize your ads.

    • Currency: We'll show financial and payment information in your local currency.

  5. Agree to the terms and click Register.

  6. Provide your billing and payment information. Your country's requirements will determine the exact information needed, but it may include your billing address and tax information.

    Step 3 Set up billing information - GIF
  7. Choose your payment method. Learn which payment methods are supported in your region.

  8. When you're finished, click Go to Ads Manager.

Now that you have submitted your verification documents to TikTok, you'll be able to track the status of your business verification in Ads Manager.
