Advertising policy resources
TikTok accounts overview
Create a TikTok ad account
TikTok Business Account
Business Verification
TikTok Shop and Seller Center
TikTok Organization Account
To complete your business verification, you will need to submit an acceptable document that we can use to verify your business as an organization.
Albanian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Algerian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Argentine government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration (Constancia de Inscripción de CUIT)
Certificate of good standing
Extract from commercial register
Armenian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
The Australian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Azerbaijan's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business income
Tax certificate
Bahraini government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business income
Tax certificate
Bangladesh government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business income
VAT registration certification
Belarusian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business income
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Bolivian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Bosnian Herzegovinian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Brazil's government issued -
Business license
Extract from the CNPJ register
MEI certificate
British Virgin Islands Commercial Registry, British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission, or British Virgin Islands Registry of Corporate Affairs issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Cambodian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Tax registration certificate
Canadian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation
Certificate of good standing
Certificate of compliance
Chilean government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax registration certificate
The Chinese government issued -
Business license
Organization code certificate
Colombian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Costa Rican government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Dominican government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Ecuadorian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate (RUC)
Egyptian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate (RUC)
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Ethiopian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Georgian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Ghanaian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Guatemalan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Hong Kong government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Indonesia's government issued -
Company registration certificate
Memorandum of association
Company deed
Business license
Tax registration certificate
Company ID
DnB number
Iraqi government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Israel's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Japan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from tax agency
Tax clearance certificate
Jordanian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Khazakhstan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Kenyan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Kuwaiti government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Kyrgyzstan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Lebanese government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Malaysia government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Mexico government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Tax ID card (Cédula de Identificación fiscal)
Moldavian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Moroccan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Tax certificate
Myanmar government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Nepal government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT/PAN registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
New Zealand government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Nigeria government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
NGO Constitution
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Omani government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Pakistan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from SECP registry
Taxpayer registration certificate
Panamanian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Paraguay government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Peru government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Philippine government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Poland government issued -
Extract from Krajowy Rejestr Sadowy (KRS)
Extract from Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
US government issued -
Any document, notice, or letter issued by the IRS or stamped by the IRS that states the Organization's name. Examples: CP575, 147C, CP299, 998, 937, 1050, 5822, etc.
Forms submitted to the IRS will only be accepted if a copy of the form is available on the IRS website. Examples: Forms 8871 and 990.
Certificate of Business Incorporation issued by the state where you conduct business activities that states your organization's name.
Your most recent SEC filing that states the organization's name. Examples: 10-k, 10-Q, or 8-K forms
Business credit reports that start with your organization's name from Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion
Qatari government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
VAT registration certificate
Romania government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Only for government departments and agencies: an official letter including full name, address, and date
Saudi Arabia government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
VAT registration certificate
Serbian government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
VAT registration certificate
Singapore government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
South African government issued -
Extract from CIPC register
VAT registration certificate
National ID (RRN) not accepted.
Redact last six digits of RRN on driver's license or passport copies.
Check opt-in consent checkbox.
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Sri Lankan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
EEA or Switzerland's government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Taiwanese government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
VAT registration certificate
Tajikistani government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Thai government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business name (in Thai)
Registration number
DnB number
Turkish government issued -
Chamber of commerce registration certificate
Tax certificate
Turkmenistani government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Ukrainian government issued -
Certificate of Publish Registration of a Legal Entity
Memorandum and Articles of Association
VAT certificate
UAE government issued -
Certificate of incorporation
Certificate of good standing
Trade license
UK government issued -
Certificate of incorporation
Company registration number
VAT registration certificate
Certificate of registration of charity
US government issued -
Any document, notice, or letter issued by the IRS or stamped by the IRS that states the Organization's name. Examples: CP575, 147C, CP299, 998, 937, 1050, 5822, etc.
Forms submitted to the IRS. Examples: Forms 8871 and 990.
Certificate of Business Incorporation issued by the state where you conduct business activities that states your organization's name.
Your most recent SEC filing that states the organization's name. Examples: 10-k, 10-Q, or 8-K forms
Business credit reports that state your organization name from Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion.
Business name, EIN, BRN, and State information
Uruguayan government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Uzbek government issued -
Certificate of incorporation or registration
Extract from commercial register
Business license
Tax certificate
Vietnamese government issued -
Business registration certificate
Investment registration certificate
Enterprise Code
DnB number