Non-feed placement

How to use the Pangle block list

Last updated: July 2024

Pangle block list can help prevent your ads from appearing on undesirable media placements. The following article shows you how to use Pangle block list.

Before you begin

Using a block list may result in fewer ad impressions and poorer performance due to less traffic.

How to use the Pangle block list

  1. On TikTok Ads Manager, go to Tools and then Pangle brand safety.

    Pangle brand safety GIF
  2. Choose Block List.

    Block List JPG
  3. Add placements. Note: To individually add placements to the block list, click on Add and input bundle ID(s). Click Confirm to update the block list.

    individually add placements GIF
    • Note: To bulk upload placements to the block list, click Upload .xlsx file instead. Add each bundle ID in a new row of the xlsx file. Click Confirm to update the block list.

      bulk upload placements JPG
  4. Remove placements.

    • To remove placements from the block list, you can check the boxes and then click Delete.

    • To individually remove placements, you can click Delete on the right of the bundle ID.

      Remove placements JPG

Note: You can identify the bundle ID corresponding to the media placement via the publisher list (pre-campaign)/delivery report (post-campaign) available under Tools - Pangle brand safety.

Tools - Pangle brand safety JPG

Alternatively, to identify the bundle ID for:

  • iOS apps: You can look up the app's iTunes URL. For example, if an app's iTunes is, then the bundle id will be 284708449.

  • Android apps: You can look up the app on Google Play. For example, if an Android app's URL is, then the bundle ID will be the part after "id =" which is

  • OEM and web traffic: Please look up the corresponding bundle ID in the media transparency reports provided (Publisher List and Delivery Report).

  • The bundle ID for Android apps/OEM traffic/web traffic is usually a string of characters, but for iOS apps, the bundle ID is numeric.

To activate the Pangle block list, when creating or editing an ad group:

  • Under Placements, please select either Automatic Placement or include Pangle under Select Placement.

  • You will then be able to find the Pangle block list under Advanced Settings.

  • Toggle to switch on the Pangle block list.

Activating a Pangle block list JPG

Features of Pangle block list

  • You can block up to 10,000 bundle IDs using Block list.

    • The limit shown above has taken into account the number of existing bundle IDs in Block list.

      Block list JPG
  • Replace the current block list - Check this box to replace all existing bundle IDs in the current block list with the new list of bundle IDs entered.

    Replace current block list JPG
  • Search - You can search for bundle IDs in Block list.

    Search JPG
  • Export - You can export the list of bundle IDs in Block list.

    Export JPG