Create an ad group

List of supported IDs and formats for a customer file

Last updated: July 2024

Use this list of supported IDs and formats when creating a Custom Audience with a Customer File.

Learn more about Customer File audiences.


Accepted Formats

Required header description

ID formatting requirements

Mobile Advertiser IDs (MAIDs):- Apple IDFA -GAID

Original value, MD5 Hashed, or SHA256 Hashed


- All characters must be uppercase or lowercase - Character capitalization must be consistent


Original value or SHA256 Hashed

Phone or Phone_SHA256

- E.164 format only- “+” & Country Code & Phone Number, no space- For example, +442071838750, +551155256


Original value or SHA256 Hashed

Email or Email_SHA256

- Lowercase only- ID should start with numbers or letters- Example:

- Remove '+' and any characters following the '+' symbol until '@'. (example below)- Remove all possible '.' within the username before '@'. (example below)


  • Your file will be hashed automatically if there are original values or values that are not hashed.

  • Before hashing, the contents of your file need to contain consistent capitalization.

  • Apple's Identifier For Advertising (IDFA) or Google Advertising ID (GAID) can be combined in the same file, with each entry on a separate line.

  • Each header can appear a maximum of 3 times in one file for a file with multiple IDs.