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About the Finance section in Enterprise Business Center

Last updated: February 2025

Enterprise Business Center provides a suite of advanced tools designed to streamline common finance functions across your Business Centers. The Finance section of your Enterprise Business Center offers centralized management of payments, billing, and invoices, making it easier to oversee and control your financial operations efficiently.


  • Centralized management: Easily manage payments, billing, and invoices across multiple Business Centers and ad accounts from a single interface.

  • Flexible billing options: Upgrade the billing options for your Business Centers directly within Enterprise Business Center, such as switching from automatic payment to monthly invoicing.

  • Seamless transitions: Effortlessly switch between Business Centers within the Payment management page, allowing you to add balance to your Business Centers or ad accounts with ease.

  • Consolidated views: Access a consolidated Transactions tab to monitor all costs going in and out across your Business Centers and their ad accounts. Additionally, a Consolidated invoice page surfaces all invoices from your Enterprise Business Center's Business Centers in one place, complete with filtering and search tools.

Key features of the Payment management page

When you first set up your Enterprise Business Center, your existing Business Centers will continue to use their current payment methods and retain their existing balances. However, you will have the ability to switch between Business Centers within the Payment management page for any currency, making it easy, for example, to add balance to your Business Centers for monthly invoicing. To manage finances for your Business Centers from your Enterprise Business Center:

  1. Log in to your Enterprise Business Center.

  2. From the left hand side menu, under Finance, click Payment management.

  3. Under Manage payments for Standard Business Center, choose the Business Center you wish to manage.

  4. Conduct your finance operations.

Learn more about the Payment management page in Business Center.

Key features of the Transactions page

The Transactions page allows you to track and manage all financial activities related to your users, from onboarding and ad delivery to billing. This page is designed to provide you with a clear and detailed overview of your spending. The Payments tab helps you keep track of changes to your balance. This includes increases or decreases in balance. You can see when and by how much the balance of an ad account or Business Center was adjusted. It also includes user information about who made the adjustment.

The Costs tab will show you the actual costs incurred by your ad accounts, including estimated tax.

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