Edit the name of an Instant Form
Last updated, April 2024

Note: TikTok is updating the Instant Form Editor and template infrastructure to streamline the form building experience and improve scalability. The available experience may differ from the steps and screenshots outlined in this article.

Before you begin:

  • You'll need an existing Instant Form in TikTok Ads Manager to update the name.

  • You can edit the name if the Instant Form is in draft status or published.

Note: You can't edit the content of a published Instant Form, such as questions or text. If you want to edit the content, create a new Instant Form and re-attach it to each ad creative.

How to edit the name of an Instant Form

Update Instant Form - GIF 1
  1. Log in to TikTok Ads Manager.

  2. Click on Tools.

  3. Click Instant page.

  4. Choose the Instant Form.

  5. Hover over the name of the form and click Edit Name.

  6. Click the check mark.

Once the name is updated, the ads with the Instant Form attached will reflect the changed name.
