Lead Generation

About the Rich Content Form template
Last updated: May 2024

What is the Rich Content Form?

Note: TikTok is updating the Instant Form Editor and template infrastructure to streamline the form building experience and improve scalability. The available experience may differ from the steps and screenshots outlined in this article.

The Rich Content Form is an Instant Form template for creating informative and engaging lead forms. With the Rich Content Form, you can show more about your brand and offerings through structured content blocks directly embedded within the form.

You can replace or supplement web lead generation landing pages in-app, allowing end-users to view your information prior to drop-offs experienced during web redirects.

About Rich Content Form GIF

The Rich Content Form allows you to:

  1. Improve engagement and user understanding: Provide potential leads with rich context and information about who you are, what you do, and why they should sign up.

  2. Build brand credibility and trust: Instill confidence in your brand and offerings by incorporating customer testimonials, FAQs, Next Steps, About Us sections, and more into your lead forms.

  3. Tailor specifically, customize easily: The Rich Content Form offers a simple user interface to easily create a customized form and landing page that fits your needs.

Rich Content Form components


Details & specs



Create an image or carousel banner

Recommended image size: 1080 pixels



Logo: recommended image size 1080 pixels

Display name: recommended character limit < 60


Promotional slogan (optional)



Purpose statement: a statement to specify the reason for the form and information you're collecting.

Custom Questions: add questions related to your business or the products you're promoting. Supported custom question types include Short Answer, Multiple Choice, Appointment Scheduling, Conditional Answer, Image Question.

- Allows Logic Settings when the form has more than two custom questions.

- Allows Qualifying Questions for the Multiple Choice question type.

Personal Information Questions: collect personal information from users such as email, name, demographics, or work related information.

Privacy Policy


Company name: character limit <50

Link to your company's privacy policy

Custom disclaimer (optional)

Custom Components


Product Details (carousel)

- Add product information in a carousel format.

- Headline: less than 30 characters

- Description (optional): less than 50 characters

- Carousel: max of 5 sets of images and texts

- Sub headline: less than 30 characters

- Description: max 3 bullet points

Testimonials (picture & text matrix)

- Add testimonials, reviews, and case studies to create social proof for users

- Choose between two formats (1 row with 2 columns or 1 row with 3 columns), with a maximum of 3 rows

- Headline: less than 30 characters  

-Description (optional): less than 50 characters  

Steps (bullets)

- Provide additional information in a list. Tell people how to sign up, get started, or list the benefits of using your product or service.

-Headline: less than 30 characters

-Bullet points: min 2 bullet points, maximum 5 bullet points

About us

- Tell users more about your company.

-Image (optional)

-Description text


- List Frequently asked questions:



Final Page




Call-to-action buttons and URL links of your website or app downloading pages

Show hand cursor (optional)

To learn how to set up a Rich Content Form, refer to Create a Rich Content Form.