Lead Generation

Manage your leads in the Leads Center
Last updated: July 2024

Lead Center is a lead management tool that allows you to organize and manage leads in your TikTok Ad account. In the Lead Center, you'll be able to update the lead status, add labels, add notes, assign leads, filter, and search leads.

Before you begin, only Admin members are allowed to access leads.

Note: TikTok Ads Manager only stores lead data for 90 days.

How to manage leads in the Leads Center

To manage leads in the Leads Center:

  1. Log in to TikTok Ads Manager.

  2. Click Tools.

  3. Click Leads.

  4. In the dropdown, click Status. You can choose the following:

    • Raw: Leads on which no action is taken yet.

    • Qualified: Leads that have qualified for the product or service as per qualifying criteria.

    • Unqualified: Leads that have not qualified for the product/service as per qualifying criteria.

    • Contacted: Leads that have been contacted.

    • Converted: The final stage, signifying leads that have been converted into customers.

  5. Create new labels.

    • Click Label Settings.

    • Click Add Label.

    • Enter Label.

    • Click Save.

  6. View lead details and add notes.

    • Click Lead. You'll be able to view the Instant Form or the lead contact info.

    • Click Notes.

  7. Click Filter. You can filter leads based on the following:

    • Assignee

    • Label

    • Status

    • Access status

  8. Search leads. You can search using the following:

    • Ad ID

    • Ad Name

    • Ad Group Name

    • Ad Group ID

    • Campaign Name

    • Campaign ID

    • Instant Form Name

    • Instant Form ID

  9. Assign leads. The assignees will have the admin authority.

You can also update the status, label, and assignee in bulk by selecting the checkbox next to multiple lead records.