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Spark Ads in Video Shopping Ads
Last updated: May 2024

Why Use Spark Ads in Video Shopping Ads?

The Spark Ads format has the following benefits:

  1. Authentic and unique brand experiences.

    • Spark Ads provide an opportunity to build and cement your brand image and brand trust by allowing you to add organic TikTok page and posts to your shopping ads.

  2. Increase in ad performance.

    • We are seeing overall positive campaign results of Spark Ads on Video Views, Engagement Rate, CVR, and CPM (Completion Rate +30%, Engagement Rate +142%, CVR +43%, CPM -4%) compared to Non-Spark Ads. With Spark Ads, you can also reduce unintended clicks to achieve higher CVR.

  3. Innovative features.

    • Spark Ads can be used together with single product card or multiple products card.

    • The same video post can be paired with different products in different ads.

  4. Long-lasting marketing impact and improved ROI.

    • All of the Spark Ads post engagement will be attributed to the original organic post and can have a positive impact on this organic post's engagement in the future.

    • Spark Ads can help to improve customer retention and loyalty and drive more unique buyers and repurchases.

How to create Spark Ads in Video Shopping Ads

Spark Ads is a native ad format that enables you to leverage organic TikTok posts and their features in your advertising. This article explains the process of creating and publishing Spark Ads in Video Shopping Ads for your TikTok Shop or Showcase.

There are two types of Identity available for creating Spark Ads:

  • Identity type 1: Use Your Own Linked TikTok Business Account.

  • Identity type 2: Use Authorized Accounts (your own TikTok Account or your partner's TikTok Account, authorized via Business Center) or Posts (authorized via video codes).

If you are unsure about which method to select, consider the following:

  • If you have linked your TikTok Business account to TikTok Ads Manager, and want to use your own TikTok posts or push video from Ads Manager and publish it under your linked business account, choose Identity type 1.

  • If you want to use accounts authorized via Business Center or use posts authorized via video codes, choose Identity type 2.

Both methods are explained in detail below.

Method 1: Pull and Push via linked TikTok Business Account

After linking the TikTok Business Account with TikTok For Business, advertisers are able to:

  1. Directly choose any posts under the linked business account and use any of them as Spark Ads creative; and

  2. Directly upload/create new videos on Ads Manager, and publish them under the linked business account without any in-app operations.

Step 1. Select a TikTokAccount as your identity when creating the Ad

  1. Create a campaign with Product Sales objective.

    • Select TikTok Shop product source.

  2. Select a TikTok account as your identity to deliver Spark Ads.

  3. Complete ad settings.

Product Sales objective (Ad Settings):

Spark Ads in Video Shopping - Product Sales

Step 2. Choose accounts with "Authorized posts only”

Select an account that has been authorized to publish ads under the desired identity

  • Pop-up: Your current account has been authorized to publish ads under this identity. If you select this identity, you can only publish authorized TikTok posts:

Spark Ads in Video Shopping - Authorized Posts Only

For the next step, you can either choose existing posts from the linked business account or create/upload new videos from Ads Manager and publish them under the linked business account, as Spark Ads creatives.

Step 3.1 [Pull] Choose the existing post under your linked account using "+ Select TikTok Post"

  1. Under Ad Details, choose TikTok Post and select a post you want to use in your Spark Ad.

Spark Ads in Video Shopping - select tiktok

After you select the post, click Confirm.

Complete the rest of the ad settings, then click Submit to publish your Spark Ad.

Step 3.2 [Push] Create/upload/add a Spark Ads video and publish it under your linked account using "+Video"

  1. Under Ad Details, click +Video and choose:

Spark Ads in Video Shopping - ad details
  • Upload to add a video from your computer.

  • Add from Library to add video materials previously used.

  • Create to make a video using our Creative Tools.

2. After uploading/adding/creating your video, you will see an "Only show as ad" checkbox. You can turn it on if needed - it will make your published video only appear as an ad, and won't be recommended, searchable, or displayed on your profile page:

Spark Video Shopping Ads - Only Show as Ad

3. Finish the rest of the ad settings, and your Spark Ads is good to go.

Video Shopping Ad - png

Note: Once the ad passes ad review, the pushed video will be published under your linked business account in private mode, and you can then manually make it public in the TikTok app.

Method 2: Use Authorized Accounts or Posts

Obtain authorization via Business Center, for your own TikTok Accounts or your partner's TikTok Accounts. After obtaining the authorization, you can select these accounts to create Spark Ads.

Step 1. The TikTok Account Ensures that Authorized Posts are Allowed.

Note: Due to the difference in TikTok versions, to find Ad settings in the app, some users may need to:

  • Click Me, select Settings and privacy, and click Privacy.

  • Click Me, then select Creator tools.

The TikTok Account must first turn on the ad authorization toggle in the TikTok app. To authorize a post, from the TikTok app (version 22.6 and above):

  • Click Me to go to the personal profile page, then click the 3 dots in the top-right corner.

  • From the Settings and privacy page, click Creator tools.

  • Turn on the Ad settings toggle.

Spark Video Shopping Ads - mobile

TikTokAds Only Mode

If you want the selected authorized post to only appear in TikTok ads, and not appear in the For You Feed, Follow Feed, Account Profile Page, Search Result Page and Playlist, you can enable the Only show in ads toggle under Ad settings.

Note: The Only show in ads feature requires TikTok version 21.3 and above.

Step 2. Allow Business Center to use the TikTok Account's posts in Ads

In Business Center:

  • Request access to a TikTok account: You will need to generate a QR code on your Business Center, which the owner of the TikTok account will need to scan and authorize.

  • Give Business Center members access to the TikTok account: Give the members of your Business Center permission to access the TikTok account. Once they have access to it, they can use the TikTok account to create Spark Ads on any ad accounts they have permission to use.

For detailed steps, refer to How to Manage TikTok Accounts in Business Center.

Step 3. Create a Spark Ad

  1. Create a campaign with Product Sales objective.

    • Select TikTok Shop product source.

  2. Select a TikTok account as your identity to deliver Spark Ads.

  3. Complete ad settings.

Product Sales objective (Ad Settings):

Spark Video Shopping Ads - Product Sales

4. Select the TikTok account that authorized the post you will use as your Spark Ad's creative.

  • Under Ad details, click +TikTok post to select your creative.

  • Complete the rest of the Ad Settings and click Submit.


  1. You cannot edit a post's caption after it's been authorized as an ad. Please make sure the ad caption is the final version when creating Spark Ads.

  2. A private video will become public once it is used in a campaign, and the video privacy status cannot be changed during promotion (however, you can turn on the TikTokAds Only Mode).