About Identity
Last updated, May 2023

About Identity

The Identity feature on TikTok Ads Manager lets you choose how you present your business in your ads.

Enabling the Identity feature will let you use a TikTok account to represent your business on TikTok. When you enable Identity, you will only be able to create Spark Ads, using posts from your linked TikTok account or posts authorized by another TikTok creator.

When Identity is disabled, you will publish your ads using Custom Identity, which is the only way to publish Non-Spark ads (regular in-feed video ads).

About Identity types

There are three types of Identity that you can select from when creating an ad:

  • Use account owned by you: You can use this Identity to create Spark Ads using the posts of the TikTok account linked to your TikTok For Business account.

  • Use other authorized account or post: This Identity will let you create Spark Ads using TikTok posts that TikTok creators have authorized you to use in your ad.

  • Custom Identity: Publish ads without using a TikTok account. This is the only Identity type that supports Non-Spark Ads ad format.

Use Account Owned by You

With this Identity type, you can create Spark Ads using posts from the TikTok account linked to your TikTok For Business account. In most cases, this will be the same account that you use to publish your brand's organic posts on TikTok. With this Identity type, you can create Spark Ads using any of the eligible videos from the linked TikTok account.

To use this Identity type, you must link a TikTok account to your TikTok For Business account and upgrade your TikTok account to a TikTok Business Account.

Use Other Authorized Account or Post

With this type of Identity, you can create Spark Ads from TikTok accounts that have authorized you to use their TikTok videos in your ads.

When you select this Identity type, your ads will appear as if the post's creator published them, and you will only be able to create Spark Ads using posts that the creator has authorized you to use.

Custom Identity

With Custom Identity, you can publish ads without using a TikTok account. You will need to use Custom Identity to create Non-Spark Ads. To use Custom Identity, you'll need to enter your Display Name and Profile Image.

For App Installs advertising objective campaigns, the system will find the app based on the display name you entered.

About TikTok Account Ad Limits

We have added a limit to the number of ads you can create from a TikTok account. Each TikTok account can only have its posts used in 2,000 ads.

This limit applies to TikTok accounts and not to ad accounts. For example, if you have a TikTok account whose posts are used in 2,000 ads, you cannot create more ads using your TikTok posts until the ads are deleted from TikTok Ads Manager.

These limits apply to ads created using the following identities:

  • ​Use Account Owned by You

  • ​Use Other Authorized Account or Post

When your TikTok account reaches this ad limit, you must delete the relevant ads on TikTok Ads Manager. The identity used to create the ads will determine how you need to delete the ads.

  • ​For ads created with the Use Account Owned by You identity - you can delete the ads from your TikTok Ads Manager account.

  • ​For ads created using the Use Other Authorized Account or Post -an operator of the authorized TikTok Ads Manager will have to delete them.


  • ​This limit does not apply to ads created using a Custom Identity.

  • ​In some cases, we can increase the number of ads your TikTok account can support. Please reach out to your sales representative for more information on how to apply for this increase.

Mapping Logic

If you use your own TikTok account for campaign creation:

  • ​First, complete linking TikTok account with TikTok For Business, then select Use account owned by you option to create a campaign.

  • ​*One TikTok account can only be linked with one TikTok For Business account.

If you use your brand's/client's TikTok account for campaign creation:

  • ​First, complete account/video authorization application in your Business Center via Manage TikTok account in Business Center feature, and authorized accounts/posts will be synced in TikTok Ads Manager under Use other authorized account or post tab.
