Ad Delivery FAQs
Last updated: May 2024

Can I schedule my ads to run at a specific time?

You can schedule your ad delivery time during the campaign creation process. While setting up your ad group, under Budget & Schedule, you may select your start and stop dates, as well as schedule your ads for specific hours and days of the week.

How do I turn off an ad?

To turn off your ads:

  • ​Go to Campaign from your TikTok Ads Manager dashboard.

  • ​Click on the Ads tab.

  • ​Find the ad you wish to turn off.

  • ​Toggle the switch under the On/Off column.

The toggle will turn gray once ad has been turned off.

Why did my ad stop delivering?

Here are some possible reasons for ad delivery issues:

  • ​The account balance or campaign budget is not sufficient enough. Try topping-up your account or increasing the campaign budget to fix the issue.

  • ​The ad was rejected due to a violation of ad policy, you can double check the Status column and take corresponding actions.

  • ​Your targeted audience has been fatigued with your existing creatives. Try updating or changing your creative.

What's the difference between the red and orange icons on my Campaign tab?

The red icon indicates that none of the ads in the ad group are delivering on any placements. The orange icon indicates that some of the ads have been disapproved, or have stopped delivering.

When will my campaign go live?

Once your ads are approved, your campaign will go live at the start time you scheduled in the ad group's Budget & Schedule module.

Why aren't my ads delivering at the scheduled time?

If your ads are not delivering at their scheduled start time, please check the following:

  • ​Your account is still under review.

  • ​Your account's balance cannot cover your costs.

  • ​The campaign's lifetime budget has been reached.

  • ​The ads will be delivered according to the account time zone you set. Please double-check your time zone setting and make sure you've set the right time to start delivery.

Why are my ads partly not delivering?

Some of your ads not delivering can be due to different reasons, such as:

  • ​The ad is still under review. In this case, the ad must go through review before it can start delivering.

  • The ad was just recently approved. In this case, give your ad some time to start to accumulate impressions.

Why are my ads not delivering?

Your ads not delivering can be due to different reasons, please check the following:

  • ​Account is still under review.

  • ​The ads haven't reached their start time yet.

  • ​Your ads reach your campaign/account spending limit.

  • ​Your targeting setting is too niche to deliver.