
About Product Sets
Last updated: May 2024

Product Sets allow you to build sets, or groups, of specific products within your catalog. Creating Product Sets will allow you to create ad groups that promote specific products instead of your entire catalog.

How to create a Product Set

There are several methods you can use to create a product set. Before you begin, you must have Catalog Management permission for your catalog. Learn more about user roles and permissions in the Business Center.

To create a new product set:

  1. Go to Catalog Manager and enter Product Sets.

  2. Select Create Product Set.

create a new product set png

Option 1: Use filters

This method is recommended if you wish to customize your product sets using your products' attributes.

1. Select Use Filters and enter a product set name.

2. Select the attributes you wish to apply filters to identify the items for your Product Set.

  • Below is a list of supported attributes. Learn more about each catalog product attributes.

    • age_group

    • availability

    • brand

    • color

    • condition

    • custom_label

    • gender

    • google_product_category

    • item_group_id

    • material

    • pattern

    • price

    • product_type

    • sale_price

    • size

    • title

  • Refer to a list of supported filters below.




Filter products that precisely match the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by gender is "Male", the product set will consist of products for Males.

is not

Filter products that do not match the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by color is not "Green", the product set will consist of products for all colors except for Green.


Filter products that contain the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by title contains "Phone", the product set will consist of products such as "Phone Case" and "Mobile Phone".

does not contain

Filter products that do not contain the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by title do not contain "Phone", the product set will consist of products such as "Mobile Case" and not consist of products such as "Phone Case".

starts with

Filter products that start with the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by title starts with "Phone", the product set will consist of products such as "Phone Charger" and "Phone Adapter".

Is any of the following

Filter products that match at least one of the search terms you have provided. For example, if you filter products by color is any of the following "black", "yellow", "red", the product set will consist of any products with black, yellow, and red colors.

Is greater than

Filter products that contain a value greater than the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by price is greater than "10", the product set will consist of products with prices higher than 10.

Is greater than or equal to

Filter products that contain a value greater than or equal to the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by price is greater than or equal to "10", the product set will consist of products with prices higher than or equal to 10.

Is less than

Filter products that contain a value less than the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by price is less than "10", the product set will consist of products with prices lower than 10.

Is less than or equal to

Filter products that contain a value less than or equal to the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by price is less than or equal to "10", the product set will consist of products with prices lower than or equal to 10.

Is equal to

Filter products that contain a value equal to the search term you have provided. For example, if you filter products by price is equal to "10", the product set will consist of products with prices at 10.

3. Click Confirm to complete your product set creation.

Option 2: Manually select products

This method is recommended if you wish to customize a small range of products into your product set.

  1. Select Manually Select Products and enter a product set name.

  2. Select the checkbox of each product you wish to add to your product set. You may use the search bar to identify your choice of product using SKU ID, SPU ID, Title, Brand, and Product ID.

  3. Click Confirm to complete your product set creation.

Option 3: Upload the SKU list

This method is recommended if you wish to customize a large range of products into your product set.

  1. Download template in a CSV file.

  2. Insert list of SKU IDs into CSV file template.

    • Important Note: Only 5,000 SKUs can be uploaded with each file.

  3. Reupload the CSV template file and select Create.

Tips for filtering products in your product sets

  • Create your own filters by using custom labels to filter your products with your own customized attributes. Learn more about including additional information about your products using optional custom labels.

  • Avoid using too many filters within a single product set if you have a large number of products in your catalog as this may result in slower product set loading time and page timeout.

  • Products within your product set may change over time as its filters will be applied automatically whenever your catalog gets updated. For example, if the attributes of your products were changed during a recent catalog update, these products may no longer appear in your product set.

Best practices for your product selection strategy

  • Refresh your catalog on a daily basis to keep the prices and availability of your product consistent and up to date in both your catalog and website.

  • Minimize out-of-stock products through active monitoring and restocking to ensure all of your products are given the most opportunity to be showcased.

  • Resolve all events and catalog issues to maximize our system's targeting capability in recommending relevant products to your audience. If your events and catalog have unresolved issues, this may prevent your relevant and high-potential products from being displayed to your audience. Learn more about pixel or app requirements and how to spot and resolve catalog issues.

  • Upload all products into a single catalog instead of creating multiple catalogs. This allows all your products to be matched with your user events, achieving optimal match rates. It also enables you to manage your product sets in one place to easily tailor them for different advertising and targeting strategies.

  • Use your full catalog for retargeting. Using all your products for retargeting allows our system to select the most relevant and suitable products based on users' intent to engage your audience. Learn more about How to set up a Video Shopping Ads campaign.