List of catalog product issues and suggested actions

Last updated: July 2024

This list can be helpful if you are troubleshooting catalog issues based on a report from the Diagnostics Dashboard in the Catalog Manager.

Product attribute issue

Error Name & Description

Suggested Action

IDs cannot be duplicated

Check that your IDs are not duplicated, such as SKU ID. If multiple of the same ID is entered, only one product with that ID will be reflected.

Image is less than 500x500 pixels

Check and update the link to an image that is at least 500 by 500 pixels

Image link is invalid and the image information cannot be downloaded

Check and update the image link. It must end with .jpeg or .png.

Invalid or inaccurate product link

Check that product links are active and aren't misspelled. They must begin with https:// or http://.

Product link cannot be accessed

Check that access to your product links is not restricted

Product price and page price are inconsistent

Make sure the product price matches that of the landing page

Product inventory and page inventory are inconsistent

Make sure product inventory information matches that of the landing page

"'Item group ID" missing

Check and add 'Item group ID' to relevant products

'Additional image link' missing

Check and add Additional lmage link to relevant products

'Product type' missing

Check and add 'Product type' to relevant products

'Google product category' missing

Check and add 'Google product category' to relevant products

'GTIN' missing

Check and add 'GTIN' to relevant products

Emojis and control characters are not allowed

Remove emojis or control characters

Image download failed due to server

Please re-upload the image or update the image link

Bad format of feed file or link

Please update the file format to CSV, XML, TSV, GZIP and check the accuracy of the feed link

File or feed upload issue

Error Name & Description

Suggested Action

Incorrect feed file or link format

Check the feed link and upload a file that is in CSV, XML, TSV, or GZIP format.

TikTok doesn't have permissions to access the image information hosted on your server.

- Make sure the URL in feed or file is linked to a downloadable file. You can try opening the URL in your browser. - Check that your username and password are set up correctly. - Check that the following IP addresses are whitelisted on your image hosting site's server:--

TikTok doesn't have permissions to access the product information hosted on your server.

- Make sure the URL in feed or file is linked to a downloadable file. You can try opening the URL in your browser. - Check that your username and password are set up correctly. - Check that the following IP addresses are whitelisted on your platform's server:-- Singapore Region103.136.220.237103.136.221.237-- Germany Region3.124.7.17118.198.252.115

Selected feed/ file is empty or does not contain required information.

Check to make sure the feed or file contains required fields in a valid format.

Incorrect number of columns

Check to make sure the product information of your items in your feed or file matches the same number of required columns.

Product review issue

Error Name & Description

Suggested Action

Product was disapproved due to prohibited content.

Make sure your product information follows TikTok guidelines. If you believe this is a mistake, you can submit an appeal to review your products.

Catalog issue

Error Name & Description

Suggested Action

This catalog is frozen due to a lack of advertising activity in the last 28 days. This can slow and eventually halt the review of your products.

Create a new ad campaign to resume product review.

This product feed hasn't been updated in the last 7 days.

Update this feed manually or schedule regular updates.

This catalog is not bound to pixel or app.

Please go to the event source page to connect your pixel or app to your catalog.

Learn about the requirements of catalog product parameters.

Learn about best practices for a high quality catalog.