About the qualifying question option
Last updated, April 2024

Note: TikTok is updating the Instant Form Editor and template infrastructure to streamline the form building experience and improve scalability. The available experience may differ from the steps and screenshots outlined in this article.

The qualifying question option helps you measure and lift lead quality. It's a filter for multiple choice questions that lets you assign answers with labels of Preferred or Not Preferred to each lead.

Benefits of using a qualifying question

Using a qualifying question allows you to choose which responses make users a good fit for your business and refine them as a lead. This makes it easier for you to follow up with leads that are more likely to convert into customers and identify business opportunities with potential customers in the mid to long term.

How to add a qualifying question

Step 1: Create an Instant Form in TikTok Ads Manager

To set up Lead Generation with an in-app Instant Form, make the following selections at the campaign level:

  1. Click Campaign and then Create.

  2. Select Lead Generation as the Advertising Objective.

  3. Once you have set up the Ad Group, you will be able to select or create an Instant Form at the Ad level.

  4. You can also create an Instant Form by clicking Tools from the TikTok Ads Manager header, choosing Instant Page, and then clicking Create.

For more information on creating an Instant Form, refer to Build an Instant Form.

Step 2: Set up questions for your form

  1. Choose either Blank form, Simple form, Rich content form, or Question Card form, then click Confirm to set up your form and questions.

Set up questions for your form JPG

Step 3: Enable a qualifying question

  1. Add a custom question.

  2. Choose Multiple Choice.

  3. Click on the Qualifying Question toggle.

  4. Enter your qualifying question or choose from the provided question templates.

Enable a qualifying question JPG

Step 4: Edit your qualifying question

  1. After writing your question, you can add different answers by clicking the + icon.

  2. For each answer, choose if it will be a Preferred or Not Preferred response.

Edit your qualifying question JPG

Step 5: Set up Final Pages for both preferred and not preferred leads

When you use a qualifying question, you can set up different Final Pages for your preferred leads and your not-preferred leads to navigate the lead to different conversion loops.

  1. From the Instant Form creation page, choose either Final page for preferred leads or Final page for not preferred leads.

  2. You can fill out different headlines, descriptions, button text, and website URLs to show your greeting to different groups of people.

Metric for monitoring preferred leads performance

Once you add a qualifying question to your lead ads campaign, you can set up preferred leads metrics in your reporting system to monitor the performance.

  1. From TikTok Ads Manager, click the Campaign tab.

  2. Click Default columns, then choose Custom columns.

  3. Click Offline Event.

  4. Click Preferred Leads (Offline) to add this metric to your campaign reporting.

Metric for monitoring preferred leads performance JPG
